Nomination Acceptance Speeches at the 30th International Convention
Delegates to the IBT’s 30th International Convention nominated candidates for International Union offices. The IBT’s Convention Rules give candidates nominated for General President and General Secretary-Treasurer the right to accept nomination in an address the convention, and also allows candidates aligned in a slate to make a combined presentation.
Under this rule, presentations were made to the Convention on June 24, 2021, by the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United State and by the Vairma-Herrera 2021 Teamster Power Slate. You can view each slate’s video here.
For a full-screen view of a slate’s video, place your cursor on the picture to view the control bar and click the icon at the right end of the control bar. If you would like to view the video directly from the Vimeo host page, where you may also download a copy, please click the link below each video.
Each slate made its own video presentation and is responsible for its content. These video presentations have not been edited by anyone else, including by the IBT or the Election Supervisor.